Monday, August 17, 2009

Keke's Kiddos

Here are a couple pictures of my cousin Keke's kids. They are so darn cute!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!!

Nine years! Woo Hoo!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Big Garden!

We have 4 planters on our deck. One with a green pepper plant, two with tomato plants and one with carrots. I'm so excited that I actually have a tiny little green pepper growing! I really want to show Katie, cause she hasn't noticed yet and she LOVES green peppers, but I'm scared to show the girls because I know they would pick the tomatoes.
The only reason these plants are still alive is because of the rain we have had this year, cause I have completey neglected them!

My first green pepper plant!