The girls and I mailed our Valentine's out today, I know we are cutting it pretty close or as close as we possibly could! UPS delivered the Valentine's around 2:30 and I tried to quickly print out the envelopes, stuff them, and stamp them and head out for the Loveland Post Office! We actually took a small stack to the Chamber of Commerce building (the ones I had stamps for) just to make sure they would get the special Valentines day stamp! We mailed the rest from the Loveland Post Office after we bought more stamps and sat on the floor by the cute red mailbox to stamp them. While we were sitting there a lady came in with a bag full of Valentines and asked the girls if they would mail them for her. They were so excited to get to stuff all of her Valentines and ours into the pretty mailbox.
One of the many HeARTS around Loveland. This one is in front of the Visitor Center/Chamber of Commerce and is called "Small Town Big Heart". I have been trying to locate all 18 of them. This one has a bunch of different Loveland landmarks on it, including the wooden Indian that I often reference when giving out directions to our house.
Mailing their Valentines, well actually these might have been the other ladies Valentines.
All done and ready to go to Grandma's house.
This is the front side of the HeART.
Valentine stamps from years past cover the sides of the HeART.